Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117

Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117

We have 12 lines of Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 in stock to buy now.

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4.9 (7 reviews)
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Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Reviews

4.9 (7 reviews)
Sep 22nd 2023
Mrs C O’Brien
Skibbereen, Republic of Ireland
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Oval Platter
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Oval Platter
The platters look brand new. I cannot fault them and they are such a useful addition to the dinner service. Much admired by guests.
Jan 17th 2018
Mrs. C O'Brien
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Dinner Plate
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Dinner Plate
They are perfect and in your sale!! I had four already and now can invite more friends to dinner and have matching crockery.
Jan 17th 2018
Mrs. C O'Brien
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Soup / Cereal Bowl
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Soup / Cereal Bowl
I have been wishing to purchase bowls for my Celtic Jewel set of crockery for some years. I inherited the set . I missed the last set of bowls because a person who lost her's during the New Zealand earthquake bought replacements. I forgave her very quickly. Our Celtic Jewel set lives in the Republic of Ireland and I will take my bowls there in February.
Apr 4th 2017
kate Bristed
Wellington New Zealand
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Salad / Dessert Plate
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Salad / Dessert Plate
All arrived in perfect condition and packaging
Apr 4th 2017
kate Bristed
Wellington New Zealand
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Soup / Cereal Bowl
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Soup / Cereal Bowl
So delighted to source replacement items after a recent 7.8 earthquake sent so many plates and bowls hurtling through the air and smashing onto the kitchen floor
Mar 30th 2016
Verified Customer
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Tea Saucer
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Tea Saucer
Described in the website information as in "very good condition" it was actually in excellent (as new) condition.
Feb 4th 2013
Verified Customer
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Teacup
Royal Doulton Celtic Jewel - T.C.1117 Teacup