Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons

Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons

We have 17 lines of Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons in stock to buy now.

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4.9 (7 reviews)
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Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Reviews

4.9 (7 reviews)
Sep 28th 2020
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Coffee Cup
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Coffee Cup
produit correspondant à mes attentes: motif,série... mais je n'avais pas bien évalué la contenance de la tasse et il s'avère qu'elle est plus petite que dans le service original. Par contre, elle s'adapte à la sous-tasse et donc pas de problème.
Sep 3rd 2020
Christina Von Ohr
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Teacup
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Teacup
Jan 4th 2017
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Dinner Plate
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Dinner Plate
Jun 6th 2016
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Dinner Plate
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Dinner Plate
I passed on my dinner set to my daughter and managed to get a lot of the pieces. Even though it is discontinued.
Mar 31st 2016
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Salad / Dessert Plate
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Salad / Dessert Plate
Just what I had hoped for. Very good quality.
Mar 31st 2016
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Tea / Side Plate
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Tea / Side Plate
As above.
Dec 6th 2012
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Vegetable Tureen with Lid
Royal Albert Fantasia - Horizons Vegetable Tureen with Lid
Excellent quality.