Royal Albert Barbara Ann

Royal Albert Barbara Ann

We have 6 lines of Royal Albert Barbara Ann in stock to buy now.

For help and advice on replacing or collecting Royal Albert Barbara Ann call us on 01926 512402, or for general information on buying discontinued china, read our Essential Guide.

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4.3 (4 reviews)
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Royal Albert Barbara Ann Reviews

4.3 (4 reviews)
Feb 21st 2019
Heather Robson
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Teacup
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Teacup
Jan 21st 2013
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Tea Saucer
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Tea Saucer
This tea saucer was to add to my late mother's tea service which my sister-in-law has inherited. She was very pleased with quality.She is seeking a tea pot to complete the set so if Chinasearch can locate one she would be thrilled
Jan 21st 2013
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Tea / Side Plate
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Tea / Side Plate
These plates were to add to my late mother's tea service which my sister-in-law has inherited. She was very pleased with quality. She is seeking a tea pot to complete the set so if Chinasearch can locate one she would be thrilled.
Jan 21st 2013
Verified Customer
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Teacup
Royal Albert Barbara Ann Teacup
This tea cup was to add to my late mother's tea service which my sister-in-law has inherited. She was very pleased with quality.She is seeking a tea pot to complete the set so if Chinasearch can locate one she would be thrilled