Elizabethan Lisa

Elizabethan Lisa

We have 4 lines of Elizabethan Lisa in stock to buy now.

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3.5 (2 reviews)
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Elizabethan Lisa Reviews

3.5 (2 reviews)
Nov 12th 2020
Verified Customer
Elizabethan Lisa Sauce Boat
Elizabethan Lisa Sauce Boat
A bit disappointed with my sauce boat. The condition is fine, but the china doesn’t feel as thin or fine or the same quality as the rest of my set. The jug is not well- balanced in the hand, or when setting down, unlike the milk jug I own, and is thicker and clunkier than the rest of my set, ( including the casserole dish and coffee & teapots I own). The handle doesn’t feel quite right and the base is thick and heavy in comparison. I feel this is either a second or some kind of made up add-on - the design also seems to have been laid on a little too low, and the stamp on the base is askew. I feel I paid a high price for something that doesn’t quite feel the same as the rest of my Elizabethan Lisa collection.
Comment from Chinasearch:
Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry that you are not happy with the sauceboat we sent you. There can be slight differences with items if the pattern has been produced over a long period of time, this can we due to different production methods. You are welcome to return the items if you are not happy to keep it.
Jul 1st 2013
Verified Customer
Elizabethan Lisa Salad / Dessert Plate
Elizabethan Lisa Salad / Dessert Plate
In good condition when received, very pleased.