Tea / Side Plate
Adams English Scenic - Green

  • Description: Deep - Horse Scene
  • Made in England
  • Micratex Ironstone
  • 1969 - 1984
  • Size: 7"
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  • Pattern Description
    English Scenic – Green was produced under Adams under Wedgwood from 1969 to 1984 and features both cattle and horse scenes. Made under the English Scenic pattern #31800 name originally called ‘Cattle Scenery’ that only featured cows until 1962, when the buyer for the German department store Hertie, Mr.Oertel wanted to supply a range that featured horse scenes rather than cows and an engraving was made to supply the demand.

    When Wedgwood purchased Adams & Sons in 1966 they continued to produce current and design new under the Adams name. English Scenic – Blue was continued when they purchased and later in 1969 English Scenic – Green and English Scenic – Pink were produced with both the first designed cow scene and the newer horse scene and was available until early 1984.